Careers at Alive Austin
We're always looking for the next best fit for our community.
As a Graduate Student Intern or Associate Therapist at Alive Austin you receive access to:
Eight fully furnished offices
Flexible scheduling (set your own hours)
Waiting room with beverages for clients (sparkling water, soda, tea)
Kitchen (including coffee, tea)
Peer support and community
Online scheduling and client management software
Biweekly group supervision (for Interns and Associates)
Individual supervision (for Interns and LPC Associates)
Our compensation is the most generous out there! Our therapists set their own fees, so how much you make is up to you. We offer a 75/25 split, so you keep 75 percent of what you earn.
If you are interested in joining as an associate or intern, please email with a little information about yourself as well as your resume.